Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

UPDATED ON 04/01/2022

Purpose of this information on the protection of personal data (hereinafter, "Information") pursuant to art. 13 EU Reg. 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) is to describe the ways in which Zhor Parfums Srl, a company governed by Italian law with registered office in via Montenapoleone 14, 20121 in Milan in Italy (hereinafter, “Zhor Parfums”), as data controller, manages personal data of its customers and potential customers to provide the best possible service And which applies in any case in which the user accesses the website (hereinafter "Site") and/or any Apps developed by Zhor Parfums (if and when applicable) and decides to navigate within and use the related services, as well as, if express reference is made to the same, including by means of links, for any other type of processing specifically and unequivocally authorized by the user. The Information provides the user with all useful information to understand how personal data is collected and used as well as detailed information regarding the use of cookies by the Site.


Zhor Parfums processes the personal data provided by the user (hereinafter, “Personal Data”) through:

a) completing the appropriate fields in the “Account” and/or “Contacts” and/or “Appointment in Boutique” and/or “Newsletter Subscription” sections of the Site;

b) filling in the appropriate fields for the purchase of products via the Site;

c) any other communication channel used by the user, including other contact details found on the Site or elsewhere (for example, sending to the boutique, to the company headquarters, company email addresses, PEC address).


Zhor Parfums may collect the following categories of personal data for the purposes described in this Policy:

a) Personal information and contact details (such as name, address, date of birth, tax code, telephone number or email address)

b) Payment information provided to receive the products or services requested by the user.

c) Preferences and interests that you choose to disclose during your contacts with Customer Service (including, for example, product preferences or basic information about your family).

d) Information of a medical nature, limited to the possible side effects caused by the cosmetics marketed by Zhor Parfums.

e) Information made known or published by you in a public place, on Zhor Parfums' social pages or websites, such as for a product review.

f) Information on the browser used or browsing behavior;

g) Information on the use of social networks with reference to requests or reviews on Zhor Parfums products.


According to the needs expressed from time to time by the user who accesses the various sections of the Site, the purposes of the processing of Personal Data are indicated below:

a) allow the user to register on the Site and/or access the "Account" section of the Site in order to provide and manage the various services offered;

b) the purchase of products through the Site;

c) respond to user requests through the "Contacts" section of the Site, in relation to the products marketed by Zhor Parfums, promotional initiatives, the contents and functions of the Site or any applications for open positions;

d) booking appointments in the boutique, both for the fitting and for the collection of the products;

e) subject to the user's consent and until its revocation, carry out direct marketing activities, such as subscribing to newsletters, sending periodic updates on Zhor Parfums' commercial initiatives, preparing reserved offers and discounts, sending promotional and advertising material relating to the products and services offered, including by e-mail, mms and sms;

f) subject to the user's consent and until its revocation, the reporting of any side effects caused by the cosmetics marketed by Zhor Parfums in compliance with the legal obligations to which we are subject.

The provision of Personal Data is optional for the purposes referred to in points e) and f), while it is mandatory for the purposes referred to in points a), b) c) and d) so that Zhor Parfums can satisfy the user's needs in the scope of the requests made by the same.

Failure, partial or incorrect provision of Personal Data marked as mandatory, as necessary for the execution of the requested service, does not make it possible to carry out this activity, while failure, partial or incorrect provision of optional Personal Data does not entail any consequence in order to pursue the main purpose of the collection.

The Personal Data provided by the user will in any case be processed only for the relevant purposes for which consent to the processing has been specifically expressed.


In relation to the purposes indicated, the processing of Personal Data takes place using manual, IT and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the Personal Data itself, maintained and protected with suitable methods. .

It is specified that no processing of the user's Personal Data consists of automated decision-making processes.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of Personal Data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. These security measures are adequate in order to minimize the risks of destruction or loss - even accidental - of Personal Data, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the collection purposes indicated in the Information. However, Zhor Parfums cannot guarantee its users that the measures adopted for the security of the Site and the transmission of Personal Data and information on the Site limit or exclude any risk of unauthorized access or dispersion of Personal Data by relevant devices. of the user. The user is invited to check that their computer is equipped with adequate software for the protection of data transmission over the network, both incoming and outgoing (such as updated antivirus systems) and that their Internet service provider has adopted suitable measures for the security of data transmission over the network (such as firewalls and anti-spamming filters).


Zhor Parfums may communicate the user's Personal Data in its possession to those subjects to whom the communication must be made in fulfillment of an obligation established by law, a regulation or community legislation.

The user's Personal Data may be brought to the attention, limited to the Personal Data necessary to carry out the assigned tasks, of the employees or collaborators of Zhor Parfums, who will be appointed as data processors (and/or, if applicable, system administrators ), and who will receive in this regard adequate operating instructions and precise requirements for the protection of the confidentiality of Personal Data.

Personal Data may be collected or communicated, based on the different purposes for which consent was expressed, to IT service providers (such as any companies appointed to manage platforms for the service of sending commercial communications via email), to banking institutions or other online payment service companies, to providers of archiving services (such as any companies that may provide hosting services relating to the activities of the Site) or professional services (such as any companies possibly delegated for marketing communications, where user has given specific consent) who may act, depending on the case, as data controllers or independent data controllers.

The updated and complete list of the subjects to whom the user's Personal Data will be communicated, as well as the data controllers, is available by sending a written request to

The Personal Data being processed may be transferred abroad, within the European Union.

The interested party will have the right to obtain a copy of the Personal Data held abroad and to obtain information about the place where such Personal Data is stored by sending a written request to


Personal Data is processed and stored for the time necessary to carry out the service requested by the user for which the relevant consent has been expressed. At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted, anonymized or aggregated.

By way of example, for the management of user requests through the "Contacts" section of the Site, the relevant Personal Data will be retained for the time strictly necessary to process them and the data relating to a purchase of products through the Site in accordance with the regulations applicable laws in force regarding the conservation of fiscal and commercial data relating to the sale.

In the event that legal action is initiated, the Personal Data may be retained until its conclusion, possibly including the deadline for appeal, and then be deleted or archived as permitted by applicable law.


Pursuant to the articles. 16-21 of the GDPR, the user can, at any time and free of charge:

a) obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of Personal Data concerning him and have communication thereof;

b) know the origin of the Personal Data, the purposes of the processing and its methods, as well as the logic applied to the processing carried out using electronic tools;

c) request the updating, rectification or - if interested - integration of the Personal Data concerning him;

d) obtain the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of any Personal Data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the processing;

e) revoke, at any time, consent to the processing of Personal Data concerning him, without this in any way compromising the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation.

f) request the limitation of the processing of your Personal Data in the event that: i) the user disputes the accuracy of the Personal Data, for the period necessary for the data controller to verify the accuracy of such Personal Data; ii) the processing is unlawful and the user opposes the deletion of the Personal Data and instead requests that its use be limited iii) although the owner no longer needs it for the purposes of the processing, the Personal Data is necessary for the user for the establishment, exercise or defense of a right in court; iv) the user has objected to the processing pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 1, of the GDPR pending verification regarding the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the data controller with respect to those of the interested party;

g) object at any time to the processing of your Personal Data;

h) request the deletion of Personal Data concerning him without unjustified delay e

i) obtain the portability of Personal Data concerning him.

The user may at any time exercise the rights referred to in the articles. 16-21 GDPR, with written request sent to the address

Finally, please note that the user will have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data where the conditions exist.


The Site does not contain information intended for minors. In the event that the user is a minor, consent must be obtained and the provision of Personal Data must be made by the subjects exercising parental authority.

If Zhor Parfums is informed or becomes aware that a minor has provided their Personal Data via the Site or otherwise, the same will be immediately deleted.


Within the Site there may be links to other sites managed by parties other than Zhor Parfums. By not controlling or carrying out monitoring operations on these websites and their contents, Zhor Parfums cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them, also with regard to privacy and the processing of Personal Data during the operations of navigation. The user is therefore invited, if he connects to these websites via the links on the Site, to carefully read the relevant privacy policies. This Policy does not apply to third-party websites.

In particular, this Policy does not apply to third-party social media platforms. The Site provides links to these platforms solely to facilitate the user in sharing the contents of the Site and to facilitate hyperlinks. The activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or notification by Zhor Parfums for accessing and browsing these platforms, nor any guarantee regarding the contents, services or goods provided by them and sold to users.


The Site uses cookies to guarantee the correct functioning of the procedures and improve the users' browsing experience. This article provides detailed information on the type of cookies used, how they are used within the Site and their management by Zhor Parfums and the user.

What are cookies?

Cookies are lines of text that act as computer markers sent by a server (in this case, that of this Site) to a user's device (generally to the Internet browser) when the user accesses a given page of a website; cookies are automatically stored by the user's browser and re-transmitted to the server that generated them every time the user accesses the same Internet page. In this way, for example, cookies allow and/or facilitate access to some Internet pages to improve user navigation, or they allow the memorization of pages visited and other specific information, such as pages consulted most frequently, connection errors, etc. Therefore, for easier and complete use of the Site, it would be advisable for the user to configure their browser to accept the receipt of cookies.

Browsers are often set to automatically accept cookies. However, users can change the default configuration, in order to disable or delete cookies (from time to time or once and for all), with the consequence, however, that the optimal use of some areas of the Site may be precluded. It is also possible for the user to check the type of cookies stored on their browser and remove and further preclude their installation by changing the cookie settings of their browser, as indicated below.

What cookies does the Site use?

to. Technical cookies or "technical cookies":

the. Browsing cookies or “strictly necessary cookies”:

They are necessary for browsing the Site and using its features, such as to allow correct viewing. Therefore, disabling these cookies would not allow the user to carry out the aforementioned activities.

ii. Performance cookies or “performance cookies”:

They collect information on the efficiency of the Site's responses to user requests in anonymous form, for the sole purpose of improving the functionality of the Website; for example, which pages are most frequently visited by users, and whether there have been errors or slowdowns in the delivery of web pages.

b. Analytical cookies or "analytics cookies":

They are used to obtain information on the use of the Site by users. This information may be associated with user details such as the domain or country of origin or the browser used; however, the information is analyzed in an aggregate manner, without identifying any particular user over another. This information can be used for statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the site, to develop general communication strategies in favor of the users considered as a whole and to optimize the contents based on the users' wishes. These cookies are sent by the Site itself or are provided by third-party web analytics tools.

c. Social media sharing cookies:

They are used to allow the user's social account to interact with the Site, by sharing the related contents on the pages of the various social networks. Social media sharing cookies are not necessary for navigation. For further information on the policies for the use of cookies by Social Networks, you can consult the respective privacy and cookie policies.

This Site does not use profiling cookies or third-party cookies other than analytical and social media sharing cookies.

How do I change cookie settings?

Most browsers are configured to delete cookies from the computer's hard drive or from the device used, as well as to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the Settings.

To limit cookies on any browser or mobile device, we recommend visiting the official web page of the device or browser manufacturer or consulting the corresponding documentation provided.

What happens if you deactivate cookies?

The rules on the protection of Personal Data provide that the user can disable cookies already administered (so-called "opt-out"). The opt-out is provided for technical cookies, as well as for other cookies not belonging to this category that have been previously accepted by the user (also through implicit acceptance, as described by the short information banner on cookies on the Site) .

The user can block the acceptance of analytical cookies by the browser at any time thanks to the deactivation add-on. This operation will not allow the Site to have traces of navigation information, while maintaining the user's ability to use the contents unchanged.

The user can also block the acceptance of technical cookies by the browser at any time. However, this operation may prevent some functions of the Site's web pages from being performed correctly. In particular, disabling navigation cookies may result in unsatisfactory functioning of the Site and/or limitation of the service offered by the same.


The Information may be changed from time to time to reflect changes made to the Personal Data processing processes. Substantial changes will be communicated as required by law. Furthermore, an updated version will be published on the Site.


A Personal Data Protection Officer (so-called “DPO”) has been appointed by Zhor Parfums Srl.

In the event that the user wishes to request the updating of the information held by Zhor Parfums or of his preferences, or for any question on the protection of his Personal Data or on the cookies used by the Site, he can contact Zhor Parfums, in the person of the DPO , via email to the address